It’s been said the best way to get better at sight reading is simply to do it. While there is merit to practicing a skill to improve, this class will give more concrete tools to increase your chances of success. Sight-reading doesn’t have to mean “winging it.” We’ll work through activities and drills you can use in your own rehearsals, or at home, that will push you beyond your current ability.
To use different pieces to illustrate different sight-reading strategies, and to understand why you would use certain strategies for certain pieces
Music Examples:
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence; Turner MJHS9445
Jubilee!; Sherman MCGB473
The Storm Shall Pass; Endman/Compton MCGB1038
Drive; Guebert MFM20572HB
Coventry Carol; Burt MBEHB445
The Strife Is O’er; Compton MLC202103L
Talk the Talk Before You Walk the Walk
Most people skip sight-reading and go straight to sight-ringing. Instead, take a visual walk through the piece, noting things like key, tempo, and meter changes. Use highlighter tape. Ex. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Hit the Danger Zones
When beginning a piece that should be comfortably readable for your group, head off possible disasters by drilling just those few measures that are problematic. Ex. Jubilee
Silent Run
Tap the handles of the bells, and do a silent read of the whole piece. This is best for working out things like rhythm before you get distracted by the notes. Ex. The Strife Is O’er
Air Bells
Leave the bells on the table, and do a bell-less ring through the full piece. Emphasize form, dynamics, and expression. Ex. Coventry Carol
Take Two
Read through a piece. Then when you ring through it, try glancing down and “getting” two measures at a time, and then looking up at the director. Changes your focus, and helps you hear the ensemble. Broadens your view of the piece. Ex. The Storm Shall Pass
Supersize Combo
Most intermediate or advanced pieces will need multiple techniques. Study your score, and apply the technique that works best for each section. Read the music in sections, and then sight-ring the piece as a whole. Ex. Drive