Handbell Excellence Through Creativity and Laughter

About Stevie

Handbell Clinician, Educator, and Consultant
Welcome to Stevie Be Music, the place to find handbell-related items and services including sheet music, games, art batons, and directing and education services. My method of using creative play to create exceptional music is unmatched. Since conducting at my first national event in 2016, I have connected with music directors and educators worldwide, providing creative ideas to help directors plan stunning concerts and improve their ringers' musical abilities. I am constantly planning new classes and concert themes to both elevate and popularize the art of handbell ringing.
Stevie Be Busy
Festival Director/Clinician
I conducted my first handbell festival in 2014, my first Handbell Musicians of American national event in 2016, and my second in 2020. At one memorable festival, I was asked to return and lead them the following year at lunch, when we still had four hours of festival ahead of us. I can work with any age and skill level, but I have a particular talent for encouraging beginning ringers.
Click here to learn more about my services.
Handbell Education and Class Notes
Not everyone can travel to a handbell festival, so I post my class notes here so that everyone can access them, whether you attend in person or not. I've also created some videos, particularly related to ringing technique.
Find class notes and more on my blog.
Games and Products
My husband, Paul, and I started Truly Horrible Things to sell merch that make us laugh. Find the world's only sarcastic handbell game, Crimes Against Handbells, as well as other fun products from the beautiful to the silly here.
Stevie Be Traveling
Click below to see my upcoming events. Come ring with me!
June 13-16, 2024 HMA Area 11 Festival, Salt Lake City, UT June 20-22, 2024 HMA Area 8 Festival, Columbia, MO July 9-13, 2024 Handbell Musicians of America National Seminar, Hartford, CT July 15-19, 2024 Texas Choir Camp, Palesitine, TX November 2, 2024, Hearndon Handbell Festival, Hearndon, VA February 21-23, 2025 Lutheridge Handbell Weekend, Arden, NC March 8, 2025 The Fellowship Handbell Festival, GA June 26-29, 2025 HMA Area 1 Conference, Worcester State University, Worcester, MA